Meet Your
Boost Buddy

Boost Mobile

Creative Strategy | Creative Development | Campaign Execution | Video Production | Design | Art Direction | Script Development

Nobody likes a sales pitch. So how do you educate an engaged DISH audience about the global launch of Boost Mobile without losing their attention, or worse, coming off as inauthentic? 


We leveraged our viewers’ loyalty to the DISH brand to deliver our message. In a modular video designed to play on a loop for DISH customers, we introduced the Boost Buddy. This Boost customer service agent was a friendly face and a trustworthy guide to the Boost network, even offering the same reliability DISH loyalists are used to getting with their TV service. Our Boost Buddy hosts two DISH TV customers who deliver heartfelt and relatable testimonials — the antithesis of the inauthentic sales pitch. After all, there’s nothing better than a recommendation from your next door neighbor. 



Increase in our unique views.


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